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Growing up with probiotics

Parents are always looking for ways to raise healthy, happy kids, and probiotics are an often overlooked resource! Did you know over 70% of the immune system lives in the gut? Probiotics play a crucial role in your child’s wellbeing, keeping little tummies in good working order and giving their immune systems a gentle boost. Whether it’s tackling toddler tantrums, keeping kids regular or helping teens stay balanced through hormonal ups and downs, let’s explore how probiotics can make a big impact on your child’s growth and development from head to toe.

A good gut feeling

The intestines are home to more than 100 trillion microorganisms from over 500 different species of bacteria. Each person has a bacteria combination as unique as a fingerprint! Among these are probiotics–beneficial bacteria that the gut needs to help break down food, absorb nutrients and keep the digestive system running smoothly. They also play a crucial role in supporting immune function by strengthening the gut barrier, where a large portion of the immune system lives. Maintaining a balance of good bacteria helps fight off harmful pathogens and reduces inflammation.

On top of that, research shows that the gut and brain are closely connected through what’s known as the gut-brain axis, a communication network where the gut can influence mood and stress, and vice versa. Probiotics can influence the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin (the “feel-good” hormone), which can help regulate mood and improve mental well-being.

Your gut’s best allies

Given their importance, it’s helpful to understand the different types of probiotics and how they work. Two of the most common and studied types of probiotics are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, and each type offers unique health benefits.

Let’s dive into what makes them so essential and how they contribute to your child’s development and wellbeing.


Helps with: Immune support and digestion.
How: It keeps harmful bacteria in check and helps break down food for better nutrient absorption.


Helps with: Digestive health and nutrient absorption.
How: It produces lactase (the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar) and helps the body absorb important minerals.

Understanding strains

Under the umbrella of these two probiotic genera (groups) are numerous individual strains.

Lactobacillus acidophilus
Helps with: Breaking down food, absorbing nutrients and fighting off harmful organisms.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
Helps with: Immune support and reducing stomach issues like diarrhea.

Lactobacillus reuteri
Helps with: Reducing tummy aches and soothing colic.

Bifidobacterium infantis
Helps with: Digestive comfort, especially for younger kids and easing gas and colic.

Bifidobacterium lactis
Helps with: Strengthening the immune system and improving gut health.

Bifidobacterium breve
Helps with: Respiratory health and supporting healthy skin.

Probiotics for every stage of childhood

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s find out which strains are best suited for your child at various stages of growth.

Infants and toddlers: building a strong foundation

A newborn baby’s intestines are like a blank canvas, ready to be populated with beneficial microorganisms that support their growth and development. It gradually becomes populated by the probiotics found in breast milk, formula, their environment and eventually, food.

Once your little ones are eating solids, their digestion can be a bit tricky. Some toddlers experience constipation or diarrhea caused by the introduction of new foods, antibiotics or even teething. Probiotic strains such as Lactobacillus reuteri and rhamnosus are the most beneficial for regulating kids’ digestion and found in toddler-friendly foods like yogurt with live or active cultures, sweet potatoes and cheddar cheese.

To boost their immune systems, Lactobacillus acidophilus increases the production of natural antibodies. Meanwhile, Bifidobacterium lactis strengthens the gut barrier, helping to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the bloodstream. Foods rich in these strains include soy products and soft cheeses.

Scientists have even found that toddlers with a diverse microbiome are more curious, happy and sociable! That’s because a healthy gut helps regulate the production of mood-boosting neurotransmitters like serotonin, supporting emotional balance and social behaviour.

Kids: Boost immunity and brighten moods

Germs may help build immunity, but once your little one enters the school-age years, the amount of sick days start piling up higher than a block tower. Exposure to more kids means more colds and viruses, making it feel like they’re always battling something. Boosting their gut health with probiotics can help strengthen their immune system, reduce the frequency of illnesses and shorten recovery times. Just like the toddler stage, the best strains for immune balance are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. But you can also try adding Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG which helps strengthen the immune system and protect against respiratory infections.

Probiotics have also been shown to ease stress, anxiety and anger to help school days run smoothly, since most of our “happy chemicals” are produced in the gut – 90% of serotonin, 50% of dopamine and much of our GABA.

How to get it
Cheesesticks, naturally fermented pickles, and yogurt and granola bars fortified with probiotics are easy and healthy probiotic additions to their lunch. But kids won’t always eat what you put on their plate, so here is another way! Orange Naturals’ Kids Probiotics Chewables promotes ahealthy gut flora and immune system with added vitamin D3 for building strong bones and teeth. The strains and dosage are distinctly designed to support kids aged 3 to 12. In delicious berry flavour, it’s a healthy, natural and yummy way to ensure they get the boost they need to feel their best!

Teens: Hormonal harmony

Navigating teenage years is like steering a ship through a storm, blindfolded. Teens are juggling hormonal swings, social drama and a newfound need for independence, making this time both a rollercoaster and a sitcom. Meanwhile, parents are left trying to be supportive without being too pushy or too soft.

Amidst the chaos of adolescence, finding ways to support your teens’ well-being can be difficult. But there is something that might help both teens and parents find a little calm in the storm. Probiotics can balance the hormonal shifts that happen during adolescence by helping the breakdown and removal of excess hormones and regulating stress hormones like cortisol. Because of this, probiotics also help ease hormonal acne, and even reduce inflammation during break-outs by releasing antibacterial proteins.

How to get it
Getting the right amount of probiotics from food can be tricky, especially for picky eaters or teens who prefer to eat on the go. Orange Naturals’ Kids Probiotics powder helps give your child that extra immune boost that’s consistent and easy to take. It’s formulated with Bifidobacterium breve, infantis and longum, plus added vitamins A and C for fighting colds, and D3 to support strong bones and teeth. This unflavoured powder is easily mixed into smoothies, drinks or sprinkled over food, and can be used from childhood all the way into the teenage years. No refrigeration required!

Lifelong benefits

Probiotics are key players in keeping your child’s gut happy and healthy throughout every stage of growing up. From boosting digestion and immune function to helping with mood and emotional wellbeing, they offer all-around support that lasts a lifetime. Want to dive deeper into how probiotics can support your little one’s health? Visit for more!

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Building a healthier gut microbiome can help with digestion, mood, sleep, immunity and so much more! Are you ready to learn lots?

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